This is 'Fillmore' our campervan moneybox! He's named after the VW campervan in the film Cars which we all love.
I first heard the idea of a sealed pot on the MoneySavingExpert site but it never appealed to me as a way of saving. Then I started reading SavingForTravel's blog and saw her challenge about putting money away for something special and I thought again about seeing if we could incorporate it into our savings for next year.
I decided that I wanted to keep it separate to the other savings plans we had. I wanted it to be for something we'd all enjoy and something we might not feel we could splurge on when we're on the road. After a bit of thought we decided we'd all quite like to try kayaking round the coast of Cornwall. I love the idea of doing adventurous activities, but really they have to involve no heights as James and M are really scared of that kind of thing!
I looked into how much something like that might cost and it looks to be around £120 at least for the four of us. I'll add some links to the bottom of this post of websites I've found, it needs a little bit more research done, but I have to say I am very excited about the idea of it all. Spending that much money for a morning or afternoon's activity will certainly not be happening often, if at all, but what a perfect opportunity to give these activities a go.
So, Fillmore gets all our change, any money we find on the ground (roadkill!!), any money that I might have budgeted to spend and not needed to, any money I find in pockets, you get the idea. I'll open him up in December and see how close we are to the total we need. He's quite heavy already and I know there are some paper bits in there too, but I have resisted so far in counting it all up!
(just so I don't lose the links I shall shove 'em here!)
Sea Kayaking Cornwall
Cornish Coast Adventures
West Cornwall Adventure
What a great idea! I love Fillmore!