Tuesday, 28 February 2012

New Tickers

I've set up some new tickers on the side of the blog to track our progress.  I've taken off the one aiming to save for the campervan as i'm not sure how we'll attack that goal yet and it may be that we'll need to trade in our car eventually to get one.  At the moment, really, all money is going in one pot anyway so it shouldn't make too much difference.  Each 'day on the road' equates to £30, we'll see what we can do!

I've also set up a weight loss ticker, I am about 2 stone overweight at the moment, which I hate to admit.  I managed to get myself to just over 'normal weight range' a couple of years ago, but it has gone on steadily since then.  I'd love to get back to the top end of 'normal' by the time we go away.

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